Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hurray for bluntness!

Yesterday my roommate and I kicked out our other roommate, who honestly is one of the laziest people I know. And this is including me. I = Queen of the Lazies. We are very happy now, and it is all because of me being blunt (or a bitch, whichever way you want to take it). We have a new roommate moving in at the end of August, when our current lease is up (so though we kicked the old one out, it'll be some time before she actually has to leave). The summer has taken a turn for the better.

Now, back to writing!!!!!

Hasta la Vista!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wow, that month and a few days went by fast.....

Snap. I must have been busy. I missed a whole month of my life. At least is was work and not drugs. I suppose that's something.

So updates: I am working on a new short story, this one by far better than any of the other ones I've tried to write. This one is at 23 pages so far, hoping it'll get to about 50 or so before I submit it to SF&F. They pay by the word, so if I can make it long and good (sounds dirty) everything will work out fine. *Fingers crossed*

I have completed 11 chapters of my novel (not including all the stuff I have to add and fix). My 'hired readers' or I should say my 'bribed readers' are enjoying it so far, so that's a plus. I hope they're not just saying that to get free cookies, though. That'd be upsetting.

Oh well, off to bed I suppose, it being 2 am as I type this. Work tomorrow and lots of Warcraft. I haven't played in a couple of weeks and I think I am going through withdrawal.
