Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wow, that week went by fast....

I didn't realize it had been a week since I last updated this monstrosity. Oh well, here we go then.

I am working on a short story, different than the one posted before, for some sci-fi or fantasy magazine. Fingers crossed it actually gets published when I'm done. I just came in from walking in the downpour outside, and man, was that fun. There's nothing quite like running in the rain, pretending you're five-years-old again. Great times.

Mongolian Barbecue is the worst place to eat when you don't want to end up sick from eating so much later on. That is exactly what my stomach is doing to me right now.

I finally finished The Gunslinger, by Stephen King (I was reading it in twenty page spurts in between working on my own book). It was great. Now I've started on book two, which is also great and contains big lobster monsters, which I am calling Lobstrosities because it sounds adorable.

Will update more later, but I need to stop letting the interwebs distract me from my writing.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's Sheena. I just wanted to let you know that Ashley is trying to start up an online Contemporary Fantasy magazine. If you're interested, check out

    Ciao! Love your blog, by the way.
